Pitcairngreen Village Hall
Pitcairngreen Village Hall Booking Terms & Conditions
All applications for hire should be made to the Booking Secretary and are granted at the discretion of the Management Committee.
A booking application may only be submitted by a person aged 25 years or over. Proof of identity, age and address must be provided on request or the application will not be considered.
The hirer will be in attendance throughout the period of the hiring and will be responsible for the supervision of the area hired, the fabric and the contents, their care, safety from damage however slight and for the behaviour of all persons using the premises whatever their capacity. Any accident occurring in the hall must be recorded in the Accident Book, which is held by the Hall Caretaker.
The hirer shall indemnify the Management Committee for the cost of any damage done to any part of the property or the contents of the building during, or as a result of, the hiring. All damage must be reported immediately to the Hall Caretaker.
For bookings relating to private functions, a security deposit of £250 must be paid prior to the event. At the discretion of the Management Committee, all or part of the deposit may be retained in the event that damage to the hall or its contents occurs during the hire period. If costs of repair are deemed to exceed £250, then the hirer will be liable to indemnify the Management Committee for these additional costs as stated in paragraph 3 above.
Hall bookings can be cancelled or amended provided a minimum of 48 hours notice is provided. Cancellations or amendments within 48 hours of the hire period will be charged in full.
The hirer shall be responsible for (a) obtaining licences that may be needed for (i) the consumption of alcohol, (ii) from the Performing Rights Society, and (b) the observance of all other regulations appertaining to the premises stipulated by the Fire Authority, the Local Authorities and the Management Committee. This includes complying with the maximum capacity of the premises as stated in the relevant regulations: 70 persons at an event in the main hall; 30 persons at an event in the back hall; or 100 persons in total if both halls are hired for the same event.
At the end of the hiring the hirer shall be responsible for ensuring that
All items belonging to the hirer are removed from the Hall or stored in the allocated areas
Any equipment used, the premises and surrounds, are in a clean and tidy condition
Any contents temporarily removed from their usual positions are properly replaced
All litter is placed in the appropriate bins, with attention given to recycling requirements
Any costs incurred due to non-compliance may be charged to the hirer
No overspill can be allowed from any of the storage areas that have been allocated to different groups for their particular use. Nothing should be attached to the walls in the Hall.
The Association is not responsible for any property belonging to groups or to the hirer and therefore this property will not be covered by the Hall insurance.
Smoking is not permitted in any part of the Hall, any adjacent external areas, or in the area used for parking.
The Association accepts no responsibility for food made and served or food brought to the Hall and consumed on the premises. Food/drinks can be stored in allocated storage areas in sealed containers with the prior permission of the Management Committee. Any other food/drinks must be removed at the end of the hire period.
Parking in the area in front of the Hall is permitted. This is not an official car park. The hirer must ensure that users do not obstruct entry to neighbouring houses.
Any changes required to the heating must be dealt with by the Hall Caretaker only and not changed by any person using the Hall.
The Association expects that any organisation working with young people (i.e. under 16 years of age) or vulnerable adults, and wishing to hire the Hall, has appropriate clearance from Disclosure Scotland.
Furniture: Groups are responsible for setting out and tidying away tables and chairs.
Tableware: Stored in kitchen and Hall cupboards.
When setting up please allow one metre passageways to aid fire evacuation.
Hall Keeper Application
Please download and complete the application for this voluntary post and email to andyyoung@btinternet.com no later than Friday 30th June 2023.